Browsing Archive 2011
Simple Spring Scarf

Sewing with Jersey knit is almost as easy as sewing with felt.  You don't have to finish the edges and it drapes beautifully.  It makes the perfect spring scarf. If you buy fabric that is 64 inches wide, you won't even have to piece it. You will need: 2 colors of Jersey knit ...

Sewing “room” Redo

I use the word room cautiously because it is actually just a corner of what is supposed to be a formal dining room - but it also houses our baby grand.  So far in my crafting life I generally cut things out on the floor.  It's not so good.  My dining room table is usually covered in food or ...

DIY Round Tablecloth!

As promised!  When I made the Spring Tablecloth last week, several of you commented that you have round tables - well here you go!  Actually, making a round tablecloth is not that much harder than making a rectangular one.  There is really only 1 extra Step. So if you're ready, here's how it's ...

DIY SpringTablecloth I'm a little (actually a lot) embarrassed to show the before picture to you - here I am writing a blog about homemaking, and I have a huge stash of fabric just waiting to be sewn, and this is the sad sad condition my kitchen table finds itself. (someone please tell me their kitchen table ...

Baby Boy Valentine Onesie: Bear Hugs

Hey there!  I know I neglect the boy department a lot on this blog.  Sorry about that - but a friend of mine just had a little boy, and I decided to make this little valentine onesie for him (L this is for little A :). Perhaps I can make a few more things for him and increase the number of ...

Free Spirit Tunic Tutorial

I've been wanting to make a tunic for a while. I browsed around online at Free People and found this for inspiration. It's $298.00 So on Friday I went to the fabric store and spent $ 17.00 on a yard of Anna Maria Horner's gorgeous voile - the perfect thing to make a flowy tunic (or to ...

Built for a Quilt

Here's what my hubby did over this long weekend. He found the wood in our yard and stripped the bark off - then made this ladder to display our family quilts. Top quilt: spider web design made by my great-great grandmother, garden wall quilt made by me, checkerboard hearts quilt made by my ...

Sew Homegrown