Easiest thing I did today:
Took pictures of these beautiful dresses/skirt!
These are our Easter outfits. I made the skirt for myself,
my mom made the gorgeous smocked dress for Charlotte,
and I made the baby doll dress and hat for Charlotte’s baby to wear to church. When you have such amazing fabric, thank you Anna Maria Horner, ANYTHING you make will be beautiful!
Hardest thing I did today:
Cleaned out and packed up my fabric stash. Ugh. I tried to be really good and only save the wonderful ones.
I put them into plastic bags (the Oven Ready ones) so that nothing will get into them as they sit in storage and wait patiently for us to move to Tennessee. However, I think it will be much like a fabric Christmas when I get to unpack, it will have been 3 months and I will have forgotten what is even in there. I did save out a few fabrics, and everything I need for my quilt as I am going to be working on that and some other home accessories while we are in transition.
Most meaningful thing I did today:
Played with my beautiful daughter at the park -gorgeous day, gorgeous child!
Most creative thing I did today:
Made these little chick cookies for the Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow.
I am trying to learn to enjoy baking (it’s very precise…) and I would normally have made these from scratch along with the icing, but I am up to my elbows in last minute Easter projects and packing up my house so here is the super easy cheater way to make these cookies. Buy a boxed sugar cookie mix. Buy some pre-made cookie icing. Buy some sweetened shredded coconut, and yellow food coloring. You will also need some kind of orange candy – I chose Starburst.
Mix the cookies and roll them out according to the directions. Using a heart cookie cutter, cut out a cookie. Cut it in half- this will make two chicks.
Using a small circle cookie cutter cut out two circles – these are the heads. Attach the circles to the half-hearts.
Cut out the rest of your cookies.
Here is a tip: to make “perfect cookies” make more than you need, then only select the best ones to use. I cook 14 cookies when I need 12. Bake according to directions. After they have cooled, ice them with your icing. Really good icing tips here. Pour the coconut onto a cutting board and chop it finely. Place it into a bowl and dye it yellow.
While the icing is still wet, sprinkle the coconut onto your cookies – these are your fluffy little chick feathers! Add a little beak and cheep cheep cheep!
( i also added 1 sprinkle for an eye)
Wow busy day! but so wonderful-live your life to the fullest! Enjoy your holiday everyone!