Ok- if you have never taken the time to shine your sink- today is your day! One of my favorite resources for cleaning tips is www.flylady.com. She has lots of simple tips for helping us clean without getting overwhelmed. Here is her guide (slightly modified by me) to shining your sink- I do this about four times a year, the rest of the time you can just maintain it.
Be sure to rinse well between each step.
Step 1: Take all dirty dishes out of the sink.
Step 2: Fill both sides with hot water. Add about 1/3 cup of Simple Green to each side and let it sit for 30 minutes.
Step 3: Drain and rinse very well. Sprinkle baking soda in your sink and scrub with a sponge.
Step 4: Rinse the sink very well, then take a sharp edge and clean around the edge of your sink, like you would clean under your finger nails.
Step 5: Scrub around the faucet with a toothbrush- you will be shocked at the gunk that has accumulated there.
Step 6: Spray your sink down with window cleaner and give it a good shine. I use paper towels but you could also use a cloth.
Ok- are you ready for the result?!?!?
AHHHH… one happy mama with a clean shiny sink. Have fun!