Home Sentiment Pillow

In this project we customize the common home theme for traditional embroidery. This lovely embroidery may have various uses. I would put it on the pillow and place on my favorite piece of furniture like an armchair where I am relaxing during long winter evenings. It would be also a perfect present ...

Time is on your side…

Ever feel like you don't have time to clean?  I do.  Like, every day. Actually I'd just rather spend my time doing something else. BUT the cleaning must get done.  Sometimes I have to set my timer every 20 minutes and I will sew/craft for 20 minutes, then clean for 20 minutes, and so on. So I ...

Demystifying Feng Shui

I've been wanting to write this post for a while now, ever since having a conversation with my sister about what Feng Shui is. How to feng shui your bedroom Here's wiki's definition:  an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of both Heaven (astronomy) and Earth ...

Sew Homegrown